Friday, 27 October 2017

Trade Shows Can Help You Promote Your Jewelry Business

Trade shows are great way to sell and promote your products. But participating in a trade show does not mean that you are going to make a huge profit.


The first time participants often do not know what to expect from a trade show. Some trade shows are a great place for product or service branding and do not offer anything in terms of direct sales. At the same time, some trade shows are great in terms of sales volume and have minor returns as far as branding is concerned.

Now, most of the first time participants do not know what they should expect from a trade show. To add to this, as they do not know what to expect from that trade show, they also do not know how to participate on that trade show.
Below mentioned are different options that you can explore to make most out of a trade show in terms of branding for your business.

  •  Before participating in any trade show, do some background studies. For example, ask the organizers about who are participating on that trade show! The list will give you some ideas if you can promote your product or services in the participants too (very important for online product developers). To add to this, the name and category of participants would also give you some ideas about what kind of visitors you can expect there. If you find that you can market your products or services among the participants, you can ask their contact address in advance from the organizers and send them a welcome email. This will surely give you an added advantage during the trade show or meet up.
  • When you have booked a booth in the trade show, try to get enough information on your neighbors in the trade show. It is not always recommended to get a booth beside a strong competitor under the same product or service category. However, being in the same cube also helps sometimes to get targeted visitors. For example, a lot of big companies advertise their presence (booth) in the trade show. Thus they attract a lot of direct visitors. This is not always possible for small business owners. Thus, if you have a booth near the competitor, you can easily expect some residual visitors in your booth. For example, you can easily book the booth beside a large wholesale fashion Gold Jewelry Offers distributor if you belong to the same product category. Though you are competitors, the variety of product would keep you different and you would also get their promotional mileage. Thus, the homework is very important before you book a booth.
  • When you have enough information on your neighbors, try to figure out how they normally decorate their booth or what is their brand color etc. This will help you a lot to find out your unique ways to stand out of the crowd. A lot of companies, with enough manpower do not do anything on the first day - they wait and watch how the competitors and neighbors are decorating or promoting their booth. And they come out strongly on the second day. This strategy is fine if you are participating in a long tradeshow. If the trade show is only ruining for 3 or 4 days, you cannot lose the opening day. It is important to stand apart but do not waste huge time on this issue.

Do your homework and point out what you want to achieve. These calculations will also prepare you for years to come.

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